Legion (2010)

How do you make a movie about demons and the end of the world suck?  Legion sets out on a crusade to answer this very question! Very little of this movie has any redeeming qualities.  I really wanted to like it.  The premise is just so awesome... but it's almost like the producers wanted me to hate it.

Legion is primarily focused on a diner in the middle of the desert.  Here we meet all sorts of terrible characters that want nothing more than to tarnish the movies already awful image.  But why stop there?  Lets throw in a demonic grandmother who spider-crawls up walls and bites people! And lets make the melee combat scenes as obnoxious as possible, with the camera bouncing all over the place. Useless dialogue you say?  Every scene must have at least 10 minutes of this! 

This movie is just terrible.  I wouldn't wish it upon anyone.

Legion gets a 2/5 for somehow making the apocalypse boring.


  1. The director of this is supposed to be making a new movie based of a comic called "Priest". The premise of the movie sounds badass, but so did Legion and look how that turned out.

  2. Jackku, is that true? I hope they don't ruin it- Priest was really good!

  3. I remember about this movie. DIdn't like it much

  4. I have my doubts on priest. I really hope he doesn't pull another spider-grandmother out of his ass.

  5. A life well spent online.

    Yup, the director's name is Scott Stewart. The trailer for Priest looks good, but then again legion looked watched from the previews and look how that turned out.

  6. Crap.. well I'll watch it and let you guys know when it is released ;p I hope it isn't awful. Maybe he will redeem himself?

  7. Not that great, angels are bullet proof. REALLY?

  8. never heard of it
    guess im happy i didnt

  9. thanks for the review, guess i'll pass on this one too haahh

  10. It's like I'm really Goku when I watch this movie.

  11. I actually liked Constantine and was going to take a look at this but not too sure anymore.

  12. i don't even feel the premise sound enticing. it sounds so stuipid that i got to stay away.

  13. I believe your right


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