This is one of those movies where I expected something, and got something totally different.  Watching the previews for Shutter Island makes it look like some sort of freaky psych ward horror story;  and the first 30 or so minutes of the movie do a great job of reaffirming just that.  But Shutter Island is far from a ghost story or horror movie.  It is the literal definition of a psychological thriller.

It is difficult to summarize the movie without ruining anything, so I will make this brief. A US Marshall who goes by the name of "Teddy" accepts a case to locate a missing inmate on an island out beyond Boston harbor where an old military fort has been retrofitted into a mental institution for the criminally insane.  Upon arrival, he meets the warden of the place who shows him around and explains the situation in more depth.  Going any further would screw the entire movie over for you, so I will stop there.

Shutter Island pulls off an excellent atmosphere.  The Island and its residence are creepy, to the point where you can tell something is way off right from the get go.  It really does pull the setting off perfectly.  The story is a bit convoluted, plagued with random flash backs that force you to think outside the box in order to follow what is actually going on.  This theme carries right up to the end, and for a lot of people leaves them completely confused.  This might be a movie you have to watch twice to fully grasp. 

If you are in the mood for a psychological thriller that forces your brain to run laps to the point of mental exhaustion, this is the perfect movie.  For everyone else, it might be worth it to check it out if only for the excellent atmosphere, acting, and characters. 

Shutter Island's unique but slightly confusing story earn it a 3/5


  1. My parents watched it and were confused.

    My siblings watched it and thought it was interesting but not that great.

    Hm, I'll watch it if someone else rents it for me.

  2. This movie was absolutely fantastic :) The story sucks you in deeply. Leo's doing really fine I must say

  3. Cool post!
    Followin n supportin :)
    Check my blog!

  4. I loved this movie, but my dumb ass got tricked the whole way through.

  5. give me one with better grades, only 3/5 :p i'm looking for some good movie for watching

  6. Dicaprio has been on his job lately, this and inception were 2 of the best moves to come out this year, hands down!

  7. looking forward to the next update...

  8. now this was a great movie i recommend.

  9. I heard mixed reviews about this movie, I guess I'll have to see it myself

  10. I'm definitely going to watch this movie, I love when my brain gets exhausted from a mere motion picture. Can't wait for tomorrow's review!

  11. @Joel C Anatoli

    I enjoyed the movie, but i've shown ot to ~10 people and most of them didn't.

    it fills its niche.

  12. I'd heard bad things about this movie so I've ignored it so far. Now you got me interested in it again. I'll check it out when I get the chance.

  13. I've heard a lot about this movie. People say that this is one of the best '10 movies. And now that I read your review I think I'll go to rent it. Nice review, bro, we are in touch ^_^

  14. Would watch it, but you gave too low a score, heh. Following and waiting for more reviews!

  15. @Eldis

    3/5 is still good. Its just not great or excellent!


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